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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Landing Page Design: Reduce the Size of Your Font to Improve Readability

Have you ever run across a page online and wished that the type were larger, but, you continued to read anyway? According to a study produced on eye tracking by Eyetrack III and released by the Poynter Institute, the size of the font may be selected just for that reason.
Study Shows that Larger Type Encourages Scanning, Not Reading
As any online marketer knows, the more time prospects spend reading a landing page, the better chance they have of getting that person to take the action they want (ie, respond to their call to action statement).
Hence, you want prospects to pay attention - to read - your landing page. In the Eyetrack III study, the researchers found two things you can use to design landing pages that encourage visitors to read:

(i) The larger the type, the more likely viewers were to scan: This could be because it's easier to read larger type, hence it can be absorbed quicker and a reader could move on; and

(ii) The smaller the type, the more likely viewers were to focus - and read - more. Of course, this can be attributed to the fact that smaller type is more difficult to read. Hence, you have to slow down to absorb it.
How to Judiciously Use Font Size to Help with Landing Page Optimization

One simple way to do this is to use larger fonts for headlines to draw people to sections that may interest them, then use smaller type to explain a benefit or input a call-to-action statement.

Top Reasons A Person Should Learn Web Design

There are many reasons why a person should learn web design, both from a personal and professional standpoint. An individual that understands how to design a website has the ability to properly market a business or product. This skill will be financially beneficial to them if they ever want to start their own business or start selling products online.A growing number of businesses are looking for people with web design experience. More than ever before in history, people are shopping online. The prevalence of online shopping has made having a successful website one of the key components to having a profitable company. Many businesses struggle financially because they do not have a strong enough presence on the Internet.
An individual that understands how to design a website will generally be more creative when asked to solve a problem. This can be extremely advantageous in other areas of their work life because, because they will be seen as a person that easily comes up with solutions. Furthermore, an individual that has a background in page design shows that they are technologically capable of being relevant in the workplace.From a personal standpoint, starting a website can be extremely rewarding. Understanding how to market the site can teach you valuable skills in terms of sales and presentation. When searching for a new job, a person that has been design experience will have an advantage over other applicants that do not have the same skills. Having a basic knowledge regarding how to develop a presence on the Internet for a company can be the difference between getting a job and being passed over.Learning to create a website is relatively simplistic these days. There are many different programs that can be purchased so that a person can learn the basics. If the person attempting to learn the skills needs more assistance they can take classes at the local community college to learn basic web development skills. There are also people online that will help at a very affordable rate with private tutoring sessions.Learning to market oneself on the web is extremely valuable. If a business owner can understand the target demographic that they are trying to reach, their profitability will dramatically increase. The bottom line in the information age is making customers feel that their questions can be answered extremely quickly with great accuracy.Designing a website means understanding how to choose the correct colors that will get a response from the target demographic. If people are not comfortable with the visual presentation of a website, a business will lose potential clients. Website development also has a great deal to do with keeping relevant content in front of the target audience that a person is trying to reach.

Web Design And Affiliate Link Strategy - Less Is More

The greatest obstacle most people have in being successful as an affiliate marketer and website building is understanding the best approach to affiliate marketing. Too many beginners throw various strategies together thinking that if enough is thrown at a wall something will stick. What they end up with is a messy wall that nobody wants to look at. That is, they create a website so muddled, confusing, and busy with banners, links, animated gif images, bright colors, and other things that are supposed to draw a visitors attention, that it is visual overload to a visitor. The visitor leaves the website soon after arriving, without clicking on anything.
One thing that is lost, is focus - and it starts with the webmaster. The main objective, when it comes to creating a monthly income from a website, is building a site that keeps a visitor engaged until they opt to leave through an affiliate link.This isn't done by offering them everything under the sun and pounding their brain with visual overload.It's done by staying focused on your niche and making the viewing experience a pleasant one for the visitor. If you have one exceptional affiliate link that you believe can give you the best profit for your efforts, then highlight that one with an unusual color, or other method that will draw the visitor's attention to it, but don't do that to every link or banner on your landing page. You want to make it unique. If you do the same thing for all your affiliate links, nothing will seen as the premier offering.Success in website building and affiliate marketing as a home business means making a profit, and profit is only realized when visitors are convinced your website is offering something they weren't aware of before and uses your link to get to it. The more time a visitor spends on your site the better chances are that they will read what you have to say and investigate those products you are promoting.Very often the path to breaking even for many is challenging in the first few months of website building because beginners feel that they must include everything at once and it all must be on the landing page of their website. This course of action leads to more home business failures in the field of affiliate marketing than there should be.